Infected olive trees are pictured in a field belonging to the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute (CNR) near Gallipoli, and used for research on Xylella disease, a bacteria carried from tree to tree by a little bug, on June 20, 2019. - Working in an arid Italian field of crumbly soil, agronomists are battling a rampant bacterium that has already infected millions of olive trees and could threaten the entire Mediterranean basin. Xylella fastidiosa, which has no known cure, has devastated ancient olive trees in Italy's southern Apulia region and beyond, causing 1.2 billion euros ($1.3 billion) of damage to the world's second olive oil exporter after Spain. (Photo by Charles ONIANS / AFP)
تستمر المجزرة البيئية في بلدة تاشع في عكار، التي تشهد على عملية قطع عشوائي للأشجار وجرف طريق وسط الأحراج وإقامة مشاحر فحم تسبب تلوّث الهواء والأمراض التنفسية.